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An AB/DL Story

Despite being apart for so long, Luthor and Thomas were very close to each other. The brothers always tried to make the best of what time they had together, and this time they decided to spend their time together camping.


As they spent the night catching up on where they had been and reminiscing on fond memories, an old secret of Luthor's got brought up. The fact Luthor wore diapers wasn't new to Thomas, he was even aware and supportive of it when they were younger. He never knew why though, but on that night, Thomas would learn as Luthor decided to share his story on the little comforts he cherished... 

CONTENT NOTICE: Story Contains Mature Themes Including Implied Childhood Trauma.

An Adult AB/DL Ghost Hunting Misadventure

Friends Jack, Mark, Chestnut, and Kiefer set out to investigate a nearby suburb house after hearing claims that it appeared to be haunted. While the others saw this as an exciting first foray into the world of the paranormal, Kiefer felt differently as he simply did not believe in ghosts. He grew more concerned that the venture would be a boring let down, but the events of that night would prove to be far more stimulating than he could have ever imagined...

CONTENT NOTICE: Story Contains Sexual Themes that are intended for adults only. 

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Work In Progress

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